Questions commonly asked by users due to various third-party software and T-SoX settings

1.What types of bikes can be used on the T-SoX trainer?
The model is Soarcise-TX7, and a 11-speed integrated cassette is contained with the trainer. Compatible rear wheel sizes of bike: road bike(Road): 650c, 700c, 24"; mountain bike(MTB): 650b, 24", 26", 29".
The T-SoX trainer is compatible with 11-speed (or below) cassette. If you change to a 12-speed cassette, the 12th gear cannot be used normally due to the design of the trainer shell, but the 1-11th gear can still be used.
Please check whether the cassette on your bicycle matches before use. If it does not match, you can go to the bike repair shop or replace the matching cassette set by yourself.
2. What are the specifications of the T-SoX trainer?
The weight of the product without the outer box is 23.9 kg. After the installation is completed, the whole size (L) 622 mm × (W) 604 mm × (H) 554 mm.
Double external magnetics resistance system, the resistance strength is up to 2200 watts. T-SoX trainer has less than 3 % power accuracy, is hard to overheat and low noise (<60 dBs under 60 km/h speed), respectively
The adjustable angle can be used with general commercial climbing devices, and the slope is simulated by 15%.
Dynamically balanced stabilizer pads, which can change the left and right angle of 3 degrees when riding on the bike, and can rebound the inertia of the real riding tires, creating a riding road feeling like outdoor riding.
Built-in BLE FTMS, ANT connection system, which can easily connect wearable devices and third-party training software.
3. What is the warranty and repair of the T-SoX training station?
eHuntSun warrants its main-unit of the T-SoX trainer for a period of one year from the date of purchase, this applies only for the original owner. Other consumables are regarded as consumables, and the warranty is 30 days. The following dates are then calculated for the purchase
For Taiwanese customers, if the damage is not caused by man-made, please send the repair content and reason description to email to info@ehuntsun.com or ask the dealer to assist.
For overseas customers, repairs during the warranty period are free of charge. However, the shipping costs for the T-SoX shall be borne by the customer himself for all shipping costs and possible customs duties.
For details, please refer to the manual or contact our customer service.
4. Is there any custom software or program for the T-SoX trainer?
The T-SoX app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store or Android Google Play Store, and it is recommended that the mobile device be updated to the latest operating system (version) for use.
Internal Spindown - Spindown should be performed before using the T-SoX trainer for the first time. In addition, racemic correction is repeated approximately every two weeks through the T-SoX app to ensure the most accurate power data.
T-SoX Health Management System (Personal Edition) will be launched before 2022/May. Coming soon!
5. Can the T-SoX trainer be used with other software for training?
• Ability to use commercially available third-party training software (FTMS compatible App)
• Rouvy, ZWIFT, TrainerRoad, The Sufferfest, Kinomap, Fulgaz, Bkool, Road Grand Tours, iConsole, WiiizU, Strva, etc.
1. T-SoX 飆風訓練台可使用的車種有哪些?
索賽斯-TX7之型號均附11速一體式飛輪(11/28),可相容車台的後輪相容尺寸:公路車/Road:650c、700c、24"; 登山車/MTB:650b、24"、26"、29"。
T-Sox附贈碟煞貫通軸碟煞車也可使用!小折車也可以使用喔(16" KHS T2/T3實測)。
2. T-SoX 飆風訓練台的規格?
產品不含外箱重量為23.9公斤,安裝完成後整台尺寸(長) 622 mm× (寬) 604 mm ×(高) 554 mm。
內建 BLE FTMS, ANT通訊連線系統,可自由串連穿戴式裝置、第三方訓練軟體。
3. T-SoX 飆風訓練台的保固與維修?
將換貨退費內容與原因說明寄送電子郵件至客服信箱 info@ehuntsun.com 或交由經銷商協助處理。
4. T-SoX 飆風訓練台有自製軟體或是程式嗎?
從Apple App Store或Android Google Play商店可免費下載 T-SoX app,並建議行動裝置更新至最新的作業系統(版本)作搭配使用。
內載消旋校正(Spindown)-首次使用T-SoX訓練台前應進行消旋校正。此外,消旋校正约每兩周通過T-SoX app重複一次,以此確保最準確的功率數據。
校正後,務必關掉T-SoX機台電源約莫 5秒,再重新啟動。第三方軟體可自行修正相關校正,但建議定期更新軟體與消旋校正。
5. T-SoX 飆風訓練台是否能搭配其他軟體進行訓練?
能使用市售第三方訓練軟體 (FTMS compatible App)
Rouvy, ZWIFT, TrainerRoad, The Sufferfest, Kinomap, Fulgaz, Bkool, Road Grand Tours, iConsole, WhiiizU, Strva等。
6. T-SoX 飆風訓練台是否可以試用?
iRun跑陸上競技專賣店 台北市中山區民權東路三段31號1樓 (02)2517-6030
樂騎適(台北店) 台北市台北市中山區中山北路二段96巷26號 (02)2541-6633
KHS Bicycles 功學社單車(小折車) 桃園市大園區功學路48號 (03) 386-8020
樂騎適(新竹店) 新竹縣竹北市光明六路東二段250號 (03)667-3315
巡揚單車(北屯店) 台中市北屯區庄美街167號 (04) 2426-9733
台灣自行車協會 台中市南區工學一街197巷18號 (04) 2263-9990
南投拜客生活館 南投縣南投市南陽路339號1樓 (04) 9220-2300
CKT Bikes 高雄市前鎮區桂林街112巷11號 (07)335-2000